Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tennis is alive!

After much work and discussions we see the fruits of our labour...or to be more precise the fruits of the labours of one Sirsean Arlain. Arlain has worked to bring the Quickstart Tennis programme to St Lucia and has succedded in fantastic fashion with the assistance of the Government of St. Lucia, eZone and most of all Subway.

The newly refurbished complex in George V Park now hosts two tennis courts and will serve as the home for this programme. Arlain has partnered with the Ministry of Youth and Sports as part of a Grassroots tennis Programme to bring to bring tennis to the youth of Castries. Additionally, Arlain is running a School Programme providing tuition to students at schools in and around the Castries basin.

Arlain doesn't stop there as with the support of Ron Blanchard he continues to have private lessons at affordable rates for interested individuals. If you need any information about these programmes or need racquet stringing services or you are just looking to play contact Sirsean Arlain at or telephone (758) 724 1387

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